Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One Year Ago

May 5, 2008 was the first time that I took photographs of Portland at night and it was reluctantly, at the invitation of my friend, Patricia. I was pleasantly surprised with my results that night but it wasn't until the Fall of 2008 that I became officially hooked on night photography.

The shot of Union Station taken from the Broadway Bridge is still one of my favorite shots. Someone on flickr commented that except for the skyscraper in the background, the shot could be from 50 years ago. It does give me the feel of a lonely Edward Hopper painting.

Steel Bridge Portland Oregon

The Steel Bridge was shot earlier in the evening from the east side when it wasn't quite dark. Lately I've been feeling that I may have lost my night photography mojo. While there is still a long list of venues around Portland that I'd like to capture (Reed College, Ross Island Bridge from the east side, Tip Top Cleaners to name just a few) I seem to have trouble motivating myself.

As for Patricia, she recently moved to Arcata, California and I will follow her down to the California in another month. But I'll be moving all the way back to the Bay Area and maybe the change will jump start my passion for night photography. Here's hoping.

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